We are in 'Movember' -the month formerly known as November. The time to see mo (moustaches)of all shapes,sizes. A very good excuse to not to shave the bits of fur above and around your mouth (for the men, that is). As a 'Mo Sista', I'd like to raise awareness on men's health particularly prostate cancer. For the men, if you are at least 40 years old, it is time to pay a visit to the doctor/ docteur/ likita/ medico/
For more information. please visit the website:
And here are the styles and take your pick ;-)
Images from enemy of peanut website |
From the perspective of a deaf person, lipreading men with moustaches styles like trucker,regent, gringo can be a nightmare! And don't talk about beards *sigh* although I think that they look aesthetically nice.
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