Sunday, 6 May 2012

The latest on the Disability Bill in NGR

I wasn't sure what to make of the passing of the Disability Bill by the lower chambers of the country's law-making assembly-the House of Representatives. It was sponsored by Abike Dabiri-Erewa, a vibrant female member of House of Representatives (a truly nice compliment- not because she's female but because she is really making impact both within and without her constituency unlike the vast majority of her counterparts.)

Courtesy of Africanexaminer website
Apparently there was some really stiff resistance from the other members. About two years ago, the current president passed the Bill which went through lots of hassles in his predesessor's time-more than 7years!The President refused to sign it into law before he was sworn in.

Which now means the process has to start all over again. Who knows how long it will take this time?

*sigh sigh*

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